Web Unlocker

Puzzle Captcha Solver

Say goodbye to Puzzle Captcha’s
  • Rapid & automated Puzzle Captcha solver
  • Scrape target sites consistently with automated IP address rotation
  • Machine-learning algorithms immediately solve Puzzle Captcha
Keine Kreditkarte erforderlich

Puzzle captcha solver
Proxy badges

Powered by an award-winning proxy infrastructure

Over 72 million IPs, best-in-class technology and the ability to target any country, city, ZIP Code, carrier, & ASN make our premium proxy services a top choice for developers.

Easily bypass Puzzle Captcha's and much more

Browser Fingerprinting

Emulates real users' browsers to simulate a human experience


Analyzes and solves CAPTCHAs and challenge-response tests

Manages Specific User Agents

Automatically mimics different types of browsers and devices

Sets Referral Headers

Simulates traffic originating from popular or trusted websites

Handles Cookies

Prevents potential blocks imposed by cookie-related factors

Automatic Retries and IP Rotation

Continually retries requests, and rotates IPs, in the background

Worldwide Geo-Coverage

Accesses localized content from any country, city, state or ASN

JavaScript Rendering

Extracts data from websites that rely on dynamic elements

Data Integrity Validations

Ensures the accuracy, consistency and reliability of data

Web Unlocker Pricing

$3/ 1K Results
Keine Verpflichtung
Gratis testen
Pay-as-you-go without a monthly commitment
$2.55/ 1K Results
$499 Monatliche Abrechnung
Gratis testen
Tailored for teams looking to scale their operations
$2.25/ 1K Results
$999 Monatliche Abrechnung
Gratis testen
Für große Teams mit umfangreichen betrieblichen Anforderungen konzipiert
$2.1/ 1K Results
$1999 Monatliche Abrechnung
Gratis testen
Advanced support and features for critical operations
For industry leaders: Elite data services for top-tier business requirements
Kontaktiere uns
  • Account-Manager
  • Individuelle Pakete
  • Premium - SLA
  • Vorrangiger Support
  • Maßgeschneiderte Einführung
  • SSO
  • Anpassungen
  • Audit-Protokolle
Wir akzeptieren diese Zahlungsmethoden:
Web Unlocker statistics: 4+ years, 80+ engineers, 5.5+ trillion requests.

Relentlessly tried and tested

Experience the first and most advanced website unlocking solution out there: A result of over four years of R&D led by our team of 80+ dedicated engineers — serving over 5.5 trillion data requests annually… equal to almost twice the amount of search engine queries performed within the same year.

Start free trial

Der führende Anbieter von Proxies und Datenerfassung

Category leader in proxies
Täglich werden 650TB an öffentlichen Daten gesammelt
Number of ISP proxies
Neue Funktionen werden täglich veröffentlicht
Serving 7/10 universities
Skalierung auf Unternehmensniveau
Trust pilot ratings
4.6/5 höchste Trustpilot-Bewertung in der Branche

Der führende Anbieter von Proxies und Datenerfassung

Category leader in proxies
Täglich werden 650TB an öffentlichen Daten gesammelt
Number of ISP proxies
Neue Funktionen werden täglich veröffentlicht
Serving 7/10 universities
Skalierung auf Unternehmensniveau
Trust pilot ratings
4.6/5 höchste Trustpilot-Bewertung in der Branche

Das beste Kundenerlebnis in der Branche!

Sie fragen, wir entwickeln

Neue Funktionsveröffentlichungen jeden Tag

24/7 globale Unterstützung

Um Fragen zu beantworten, wenn Sie sie benötigen

Vollständige Transparenz


Gewidmete Kontomanager

Um Ihre Leistung zu optimieren

Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen

Um Ihre Datensammelziele zu erreichen

Say Bye To Puzzle Captcha's!


Bright Data’s Web Unlocker uses CAPTCHA Solver to detect the rules for popular sites and solve them.

Most sites use one CAPTCHA, but where two CAPTCHAS are used, CAPTCHA solver can solve both.