Manage risk
with clarity and confidence
using real-time web data
for Insurance

Improve underwriting decisions & forecasting models, understand competitor policies & pricing, and combat insurance fraud with the world’s #1 web data platform

Perfect your underwriting decisions & risk forecasting models

  • Extract insurance data to inform underwriting and to ensure your terms are reasonable for your customers
  • Create more accurate risk forecasting models with social media data related to customer behavior
  • Predict a company’s profitability, a vehicle’s safety or true market price, or a customer’s liability before deciding to move forward
  • Get automated streams of data from government, news, construction and building plans, and more to ensure accurate and rapid decisions

Combat insurance fraud & conduct accurate policy indemnification

  • Be alerted to potential fraud by collecting social media data related to a claim and claimant’s behavior
  • Determine the true value of insured property & goods to pay accurate indemnities by collecting real-time data on their market value
  • Create loss inventories for insurance claims and then price the items on these inventories providing an amount, vendor, and URL for each item.
  • Verify insurance claims data by collecting data on health workers from public databases by location

Compare competitor insurance policies & pricing

  • Collect competitor pricing from competitor and aggregator websites to develop dynamic pricing models
  • Extract data on policy terms based on location to understand competitor strategies
  • Keep tabs on customer reviews to understand sentiment and the impact of marketing campaigns

Sie brauchen eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung?

Nennen Sie uns Ihren Anwendungsfall und wir entwickeln eine Lösung für Sie.

Was Bright Data zum
unangefochtenen Branchenführer macht

Höchst zuverlässig

Höchste Datenqualität, beste Netzbetriebszeit, schnellste Ausgabe

Höchst flexibel

Unbegrenzte Skalierungs- und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten

Vollständige Konformität

Transparente und unternehmensfreundliche Infrastruktur

Höchste Effizienz

Minimaler Bedarf an internen Ressourcen

Das beste Kundenerlebnis in der Branche

  • Täglich werden neue Funktionen veröffentlicht. Sie fragen, wir entwickeln
  • 24/7 globaler Support
  • Dashboard für die Netzwerkleistung in Echtzeit. Volle Transparenz
  • Engagierte Kundenbetreuer
  • Maßgeschneiderte Lösungen zur Erfüllung Ihrer Datenerfassungsziele

Assess and manage risk with finer accuracy using real-time Insurance industry data