Census income dataset

Conduct market research, predict trends, and plan policies and local services with census income datasets

  • Available as a custom dataset request
  • Get accurate census income data
  • 100% compliant scraping
census income dataset
  "type": "object",
  "fields": {
    "title": {
      "type": "text",
      "active": true,
      "sample_value": "Census Bureau Tables"
    "description": {
      "type": "text",
      "active": true,
      "sample_value": "Census Bureau data table S0801 - Commuting Characteristics by Sex. Table from ACS 1-Year Estimates Subject Tables, released by American Community Survey."
    "tables": {
      "type": "array",
      "active": true,
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "fields": {
          "table_id": {
            "type": "text",
            "active": true,
            "sample_value": "S1902"
          "table_description": {
            "type": "text",
            "active": true,
            "sample_value": "Mean Income in the Past 12 Months (in 2023 Inflation-Adjusted Dollars)"
          "source": {
            "type": "text",
            "active": true,
            "sample_value": "American Community Survey"
          "year": {
            "type": "text",
            "active": true,
            "sample_value": "2023"
          "dataset_name": {
            "type": "text",
            "active": true,
            "sample_value": "ACS 1-Year Estimates Subject Tables"
          "url": {
            "type": "url",
            "active": true,
            "sample_value": "/table/ACSST1Y2023.S1902?t=Income and Poverty:Wealth and Assets&g=040XX00US02"
    "url": {
      "type": "url",
      "required": true,
      "active": true

Custom census income dataset sample

Choose from fully managed or self managed datasets. Fully managed datasets offers a hands-off experience and is managed by our partners. Self managed custom datasets you set up the project & validation rules. The census income data points may include: median household income, income distribution by percentiles, poverty rates, educational attainment levels, employment status and industry, age and gender demographics, homeownership rates, health insurance coverage, and more.

Automated dataset creation platform

Streamline your data-collection process so you can focus on what matters.
  1. Initial setup

    Add the URLs of your target website.

  2. Sample creation

    Get AI-generated schema and sample. Set up validation rules.

  3. Proof of concept

    The scraper is built based on schema and validation rules.

  4. Data collection & delivery

    Data is collected and delivered.

Custom Dataset Pricing

Starting from
One time
Starting from
Proof of Concept
One time
  • AI-Generated schema & sample
  • Control over data validation
  • Real-time product quantity est.
  • Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Custom

Census Income datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case


Verschiedene Dateiausgabeformate

Datensätze im Format von JSON, ndJSON, CSV oder Excel

Mehrere Lieferoptionen

Skalierbare Daten

Skalieren, ohne sich um Infrastruktur, Proxy-Server oder Blockaden zu sorgen

Benutzerdefinierte Ausgabefelder

Definieren Sie benutzerdefinierte Ausgabefelder, um spezifische Geschäftsanforderungen zu erfüllen

Wartung des Codes


Definition von Servern zur Bewältigung einer großen Anzahl von Datenanfragen


Verwaltung Ihrer Datenerfassung durch einen persönlichen Kundenbetreuer

Sicherung der Datenqualität

Sicherstellung der Zuverlässigkeit und Genauigkeit der Daten für eine bessere Entscheidungsfindung

Get structured and reliable Census Income data

Wir liefern die Daten, und Sie können sich um andere Dinge kümmern

Hochvolumige Webdaten

Mit unseren Unblocking-Funktionen und der IP-Rotation rund um die Uhr stellen wir den Zugang zu allen Datenpunkten einer Webseite sicher.

Daten zur sofortigen Nutzung

Jeder Aspekt des Datenerfassungsprozesses wird im Rahmen unseres robusten Datenvalidierungsprozesses gründlich überprüft.

Nahtloser Datenfluss

Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Zeitpläne, um die Datenlieferung zu automatisieren, und beobachten Sie, wie die Daten nahtlos in Ihren Speicher fließen.

How companies use Census Income datasets

Targeted advertising

Ensure your marketing efforts reach the right audience by creating targeted advertising campaigns based on income demographics. Different price points can be offered to customers with varying levels of income using census income datasets.
Get dataset
targeted advertising

Resource planning

Analyze census income datasets to allocate resources based on local income demographics, including funding, personnel, and infrastructure—for example, plan store locations and staffing for areas with high or low-income populations.
Get dataset
resource allocation

Market analysis

Leverage census income datasets to conduct market research and analyze consumer spending patterns, preferences, and trends based on income levels. Tailor products and services to specific customer segments.
Get dataset
market research and analysis


We will build a census income dataset for you. Data points may include median household income, income distribution by percentiles, poverty rates, educational attainment levels, employment status and industry, age and gender demographics, homeownership rates, health insurance coverage, and more.

Yes, you can get updates to your census income dataset on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom basis.

Yes, you can purchase a census income subset that will include only the data points you need. By purchasing a subset, cost is reduced substantially.

Get your Census Income dataset today.