
Business intelligence dataset

Conduct thorough due diligence, engage with key stakeholders, and make informed investment decisions while exploring potential industry opportunities.

  • Business intelligence data from different sources
  • Tap into all major public data points
  • Billions of records available
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business intelligence dataset

Dataset sample

Business intelligence data can be taken from various websites. Business sites such as Glassdoor, Capterra, G2, and social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. Choose from 100+ datasets in our marketplace.

Popular business intelligence datasets

Glassdoor dataset

The Glassdoor dataset (reviews and overview) covers all major data points and contains tens of millions of records .

G2 dataset

The G2 dataset (reviews and overview) covers all major data points and contains hundreds of thousands of records .

Indeed dataset

The Indeed datasets (jobs and companies) covers all major data points and contains tens of millions of records .

Walmart dataset

The Walmart dataset (products) includes all major data points and contains hundreds of millions of records.

Shopee dataset

The Shopee dataset (products) covers all major data points and contains tens of millions of records .

Amazon dataset

The Amazon datasets (products, best sellers, reviews, sellers info, and more) covers all major data points and includes hundreds of millions of records.

TikTok dataset

The TikTok dataset (comments and posts) covers all major data points and contains millions of records .

Twitter dataset

The Twitter dataset (profiles and posts) covers all major data points and contains hundreds of thousands of records .

Instagram dataset

The Instagram datasets (profiles, posts, reels, and comments) includes all major data points and contains hundreds of millions of records.

YouTube dataset

The Youtube dataset (comments and profiles) covers all major data points and contains tens of millions of records .

Facebook dataset

The Facebook datasets (posts, comments, and reels) covers all major data points and includes tens of millions of records.

And many more...

Preisübersicht für Datensatz-Marktplatz

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Complete Dataset
  • Sauber und validiert
  • Monatlich aktualisiert
  • JSON/CSV/Parquet

business intelligence datasets tailored to your needs

Get easy to use, well-structured datasets for any use case


Verschiedene Dateiausgabeformate

Datensätze im Format von JSON, ndJSON, CSV oder Excel

Mehrere Lieferoptionen

Skalierbare Daten

Skalieren, ohne sich um Infrastruktur, Proxy-Server oder Blockaden zu sorgen

Benutzerdefinierte Ausgabefelder

Definieren Sie benutzerdefinierte Ausgabefelder, um spezifische Geschäftsanforderungen zu erfüllen

Wartung des Codes


Definition von Servern zur Bewältigung einer großen Anzahl von Datenanfragen


Verwaltung Ihrer Datenerfassung durch einen persönlichen Kundenbetreuer

Sicherung der Datenqualität

Sicherstellung der Zuverlässigkeit und Genauigkeit der Daten für eine bessere Entscheidungsfindung

Get structured and reliable business intelligence data

Wir liefern die Daten, und Sie können sich um andere Dinge kümmern

Hochvolumige Webdaten

Mit unseren Unblocking-Funktionen und der IP-Rotation rund um die Uhr stellen wir den Zugang zu allen Datenpunkten einer Webseite sicher.

Daten zur sofortigen Nutzung

Jeder Aspekt des Datenerfassungsprozesses wird im Rahmen unseres robusten Datenvalidierungsprozesses gründlich überprüft.

Nahtloser Datenfluss

Erstellen Sie benutzerdefinierte Zeitpläne, um die Datenlieferung zu automatisieren, und beobachten Sie, wie die Daten nahtlos in Ihren Speicher fließen.

How companies use business intelligence datasets

Competitor analysis

Use a business intelligence dataset to locate the decision-makers in a competitor's organization to gain insight into the company's leadership structure, priorities, and strategies.
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identify decision makers

Marketing analysis

Discover competitors' social media accounts using business intelligence datasets. Understand competitors' marketing strategies, target audiences, brand messaging, and engagement rates.
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social media analysis

Improve marketing

Keep track of business” online activities using business intelligence datasets to gain insights into products, pricing strategies, partnerships, and recent updates.
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MOnitor online activities

Get your business intelligence dataset today.