
Benutzerfreundliche APIs für den programmgesteuerten Zugriff auf strukturierte Webdaten von Dutzenden beliebter Domains.

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Web Scraper API
Web Scrapers API

Verfügbare Web-Scraper-APIs

Beseitigen Sie die Notwendigkeit, eine Infrastruktur zu entwickeln und zu warten. Extrahieren Sie einfach große Mengen an Webdaten und stellen Sie Skalierbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit mithilfe von Web-Scraper-APIs sicher.

LinkedIn people profiles

ID, Name, City, Country code, Position, About, Posts, Groups, and more.

LinkedIn people profiles - Discover LinkedIn profiles by name

ID, Name, City, Country code, Position, About, Posts, Groups, and more.

Amazon products

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products - Collects products by best sellers category URL

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products - Collects products by specific category URL

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products - Collects products by specific keywords

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

LinkedIn company information

ID, Name, Country code, Locations, Followers, Employees in linkedin, About, Specialties, and more.

Crunchbase companies information

Name, URL, ID, Cb rank, Region, About, Industries, Operating status, and more.

Crunchbase companies information - Searching data by keyword

Name, URL, ID, Cb rank, Region, About, Industries, Operating status, and more.

Instagram - Profiles

Account, Fbid, ID, Followers, Posts count, Is business account, Is professional account, Is verified, and more.

Zillow properties listing information

Zpid, City, State, HomeStatus, Address, IsListingClaimedByCurrentSignedInUser, IsCurrentSignedInAgentResponsible, Bedrooms, and more.

Zillow properties listing information - Discover by custom filters - location, home type and status

Zpid, City, State, HomeStatus, Address, IsListingClaimedByCurrentSignedInUser, IsCurrentSignedInAgentResponsible, Bedrooms, and more.

Zillow properties listing information - Search by parameters on zillow and use the direct link as input

Zpid, City, State, HomeStatus, Address, IsListingClaimedByCurrentSignedInUser, IsCurrentSignedInAgentResponsible, Bedrooms, and more.

Linkedin job listings information

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Linkedin job listings information - Discover new jobs by keyword

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Linkedin job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL

URL, Job posting id, Job title, Company name, Company id, Job location, Job summary, Applay link, and more.

Instagram - Posts

URL, User posted, Description, Hashtags, Num comments, Date posted, Likes, Photos, and more.

Instagram - Posts - Collects posts from a specific URLs by using profile URL

URL, User posted, Description, Hashtags, Num comments, Date posted, Likes, Photos, and more.

LinkedIn posts

URL, ID, User id, Use url, Title, Headline, Post text, Date posted, and more.

LinkedIn posts - Discover user's articles by URL

URL, ID, User id, Use url, Title, Headline, Post text, Date posted, and more.

LinkedIn posts - Discover posts by Profile URL

URL, ID, User id, Use url, Title, Headline, Post text, Date posted, and more.

LinkedIn posts - Discover new posts company URL

URL, ID, User id, Use url, Title, Headline, Post text, Date posted, and more.

X (formerly Twitter) - Posts

ID, User posted, Name, Description, Date posted, Photos, URL, Quoted post, and more.

X (formerly Twitter) - Posts - Collecting Twitter posts URLs

ID, User posted, Name, Description, Date posted, Photos, URL, Quoted post, and more.

Walmart - products

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Walmart - products - Find new products by using specific category URL

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Walmart - products - Collects products by specific keywords

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Facebook - Pages Posts by Profile URL

URL, Post id, User url, User username raw, Content, Date posted, Hashtags, Num comments, and more.

TikTok - Profiles

Account id, Nickname, Biography, Awg engagement rate, Comment engagement rate, Like engagement rate, Bio link, Predicted lang, and more.

TikTok - Profiles - Discover by search URL and country

Account id, Nickname, Biography, Awg engagement rate, Comment engagement rate, Like engagement rate, Bio link, Predicted lang, and more.

Amazon Reviews

URL, Product name, Product rating, Product rating object, Product rating max, Rating, Author name, Asin, and more.

Indeed job listings information

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

Indeed job listings information - Collect new jobs by keyword search in specific location

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

Indeed job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL

Jobid, Company name, Date posted parsed, Job title, Description text, Benefits, Qualifications, Job type, and more.

TikTok - Posts

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.

TikTok - Posts - Input specific profile URL to get posts published by it

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.

TikTok - Posts - Search posts by specific keyword or hashtag

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.

TikTok - Posts - discover new records by TikTok discover URL

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.

YouTube - Profiles

URL, Handle, Handle md5, Banner img, Profile image, Name, Subscribers, Description, and more.

YouTube - Profiles - Collects channel by keyword related to the channel or video's of the channel

URL, Handle, Handle md5, Banner img, Profile image, Name, Subscribers, Description, and more.

Airbnb Properties Information

Name, Price, Image, Description, Category, Availability, Discount, Reviews, and more.

Airbnb Properties Information - Search Airbnb by location

Name, Price, Image, Description, Category, Availability, Discount, Reviews, and more.

Airbnb Properties Information - Discover by search url

Name, Price, Image, Description, Category, Availability, Discount, Reviews, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information - Search for companies by keyword

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information - discover new companies by input filters

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Glassdoor companies overview information - discover by search url

ID, Company, Ratings overall, Details size, Details founded, Details type, Country code, Company type, and more.

Youtube - Videos posts

URL, Title, Youtuber, Youtuber md5, Video url, Video length, Likes, Views, and more.

Youtube - Videos posts - Search new youtube videos by keyword

URL, Title, Youtuber, Youtuber md5, Video url, Video length, Likes, Views, and more.

Youtube - Videos posts - Discover videos by channel URL

URL, Title, Youtuber, Youtuber md5, Video url, Video length, Likes, Views, and more.

Youtube - Videos posts - Search videos by keyword and then apply relevant video filters

URL, Title, Youtuber, Youtuber md5, Video url, Video length, Likes, Views, and more.

Youtube - Videos posts - Collect YouTube posts by hashtags

URL, Title, Youtuber, Youtuber md5, Video url, Video length, Likes, Views, and more.

Yahoo Finance business information

Name, Company id, Entity type, Summary, Stock ticker, Currency, Earnings date, Exchange, and more.

X (formerly Twitter) - Profiles

X id, URL, ID, Profile name, Biography, Is verified, Profile image link, External link, and more.

Facebook - Comments

URL, Post id, Post url, Comment id, User name, User id, User url, Date created, and more.

Shein- Products

Product name, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, Size, and more.

Shein- Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, Size, and more.

Instagram - Reels

URL, User posted, Description, Hashtags, Num comments, Date posted, Likes, Shares, and more.

Instagram - Reels - Discover reels video from Instagram profile or direct search url

URL, User posted, Description, Hashtags, Num comments, Date posted, Likes, Shares, and more.

Instagram - Reels - Collect all Reels from Instagram profiles (without the post timestamp)

URL, User posted, Description, Hashtags, Num comments, Date posted, Likes, Shares, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information - Collect new jobs by keyword search like the job title

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Glassdoor job listings information - Discover jobs by company URL

URL, Company url overview, Company name, Company rating, Job title, Job location, Job overview, Company headquarters, and more.

Amazon products global dataset

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products global dataset - Collects products by specific category URL

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products global dataset - Collecting products by keyword search

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products global dataset - Collect Amazon products by seller URL

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Amazon products global dataset - Collect products from Brands URLs

Title, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Currency, Availability, Reviews count, and more.

Instagram - Comments

URL, Comment user, Comment user url, Comment date, Comment, Likes number, Replies number, Replies, and more.

Yelp businesses overview

Business id, Yelp biz id, Name, Updates from business, Overall rating, Reviews count, Is claimed, Categories, and more.

Google maps reviews

URL, Place id, Place name, Country, Address, Review id, Reviewer name, Reviews by reviewer, and more.

Zoominfo companies information

URL, ID, Name, Description, Revenue, Revenue currency, Revenue text, Stock symbol, and more.

Zoominfo companies information - discover records by search url

URL, ID, Name, Description, Revenue, Revenue currency, Revenue text, Stock symbol, and more.

Google News

URL, Title, Publisher, Date, Category, Keyword, Country, Language, and more.


URL, Product id, Title, Seller name, Seller rating, Seller reviews, Breadcrumbs, Root category, and more.

eBay - Gather data on products using specified keywords

URL, Product id, Title, Seller name, Seller rating, Seller reviews, Breadcrumbs, Root category, and more.

eBay - Collect products from shops on eBay

URL, Product id, Title, Seller name, Seller rating, Seller reviews, Breadcrumbs, Root category, and more.

Glassdoor companies reviews

Overview id, Review id, Review url, Rating date, Pros, Cons, Count helpful, Count unhelpful, and more.

Reddit- Posts

Post id, URL, User posted, Title, Description, Num comments, Date posted, Community name, and more.

Reddit- Posts - Discover Reddit posts by Subreddit URL

Post id, URL, User posted, Title, Description, Num comments, Date posted, Community name, and more.

Reddit- Posts - Discovery by keyword of Reddit posts

Post id, URL, User posted, Title, Description, Num comments, Date posted, Community name, and more.

TikTok Shop

URL, Title, Available, Description, Currency, Initial price, Final price, Discount percent, and more.

TikTok Shop - category

URL, Title, Available, Description, Currency, Initial price, Final price, Discount percent, and more.

Booking Hotel Listings

URL, Hotel id, Title, Location, Country, City, Metro railway access, Images, and more.

Booking Hotel Listings -

URL, Hotel id, Title, Location, Country, City, Metro railway access, Images, and more.

pitchbook companies information

URL, ID, Company name, Company socials, Year founded, Status, Employees, Latest deal type, and more.

Australia real estate properties

Rea property id, Property type, State, Postcode, Year built, Last sold date, Last sold agency, Bedrooms, and more.

Australia real estate properties - discover records by search url

Rea property id, Property type, State, Postcode, Year built, Last sold date, Last sold agency, Bedrooms, and more.

Australia real estate properties - Discover records by Listing type

Rea property id, Property type, State, Postcode, Year built, Last sold date, Last sold agency, Bedrooms, and more.

Github repository

URL, ID, Code language, Code, Num lines, User name, User url, Size, and more.

Github repository - Discover github code by repository URL

URL, ID, Code language, Code, Num lines, User name, User url, Size, and more.

Github repository - discover new records by search url

URL, ID, Code language, Code, Num lines, User name, User url, Size, and more.

Google Shopping

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Images, Variations, and more.

Google Shopping - collects products from web using keywords

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Images, Variations, and more.

Facebook - Posts by group URL

URL, Post id, User url, User username raw, Content, Date posted, Hashtags, Num comments, and more.

Zara - Products

Category id, Category name, Product id, Product name, Price, Currency, Colour code, Colour, and more.

Amazon sellers info

Seller id, URL, Seller name, Description, Detailed info, Stars, Feedbacks, Return policy, and more.

Google Play Store

URL, Title, Developer, Monetization features, Images, About, Data safety, Rating, and more.

Home Depot US

URL, Domain, Country code, Model number, Sku, Product id, Product name, Manufacturer, and more.

Home Depot US - Gather data on products using specified keywords

URL, Domain, Country code, Model number, Sku, Product id, Product name, Manufacturer, and more.

Booking Listings Search

URL, Location, Check in, Check out, Adults, Children, Rooms, ID, and more.

Lazada - Products

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Sold, Initial price, Final price, and more.

Lazada - Products - Discover products by keyword

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Sold, Initial price, Final price, and more.

Lazada - Products - Discover products by category URL or brand URL

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Sold, Initial price, Final price, and more.

Lazada - Products - Discover products by seller URL

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Sold, Initial price, Final price, and more.

Lazada - Products - Discover products by brand URL

URL, ID, Title, Rating, Reviews, Sold, Initial price, Final price, and more.


URL, Product id, Listing inventory id, Title, Rating, Reviews count shop, Reviews count item, Initial price, and more.

Etsy - Collect data on products using specified keywords

URL, Product id, Listing inventory id, Title, Rating, Reviews count shop, Reviews count item, Initial price, and more.

Etsy - Collects data from shop's URL

URL, Product id, Listing inventory id, Title, Rating, Reviews count shop, Reviews count item, Initial price, and more.

TikTok - Comments

URL, Post url, Post id, Post date created, Date created, Comment text, Num likes, Num replies, and more.

Facebook - Posts by post URL

URL, Post id, User url, User username raw, Content, Date posted, Hashtags, Num comments, and more.

Facebook Marketplace

URL, Title, Initial price, Final price, Currency, Product id, Breadcrumbs, Condition, and more.

Facebook Marketplace - Collect Facebook marketplace listings by keyword

URL, Title, Initial price, Final price, Currency, Product id, Breadcrumbs, Condition, and more.

Facebook Marketplace - discover by url

URL, Title, Initial price, Final price, Currency, Product id, Breadcrumbs, Condition, and more.

Amazon products search

Asin, URL, Name, Sponsored, Initial price, Final price, Currency, Sold, and more.

Trustpilot business reviews

Company name, Review id, Review date, Review rating, Review title, Review content, Is verified review, Review date of experience, and more.

Best Buy products

URL, Product id, Title, Images, Final price, Currency, Discount, Initial price, and more.

Best Buy products - Collect data on products using specified keywords

URL, Product id, Title, Images, Final price, Currency, Discount, Initial price, and more.

Ikea - Products

Description, In stock, Color, Size, Reviews count, Main image, Category url, Category, and more.

Ikea - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Description, In stock, Color, Size, Reviews count, Main image, Category url, Category, and more.

Zillow price history

URL, Zpid, Date, Event, Posting is rental, Price, Price change rate, Price per squarefoot, and more.

Sephora products

URL, ID, Name, Sku, In stock, Regular price, Actual price, Unit price, and more.

Indeed companies info

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Indeed companies info - By company list

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Indeed companies info - Discover companies by Industries and location (State) in US

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Indeed companies info - Search company by company name

Name, Description, URL, Work happiness, Jobs categories, Website, Industry, Company size, and more.

Yelp businesses reviews

Business id, Review auther, Rating, Date, Content, Review image, Reactions, Replies, and more.

Yelp businesses reviews - Search for Yelp businesses by country, category and location

Business id, Review auther, Rating, Date, Content, Review image, Reactions, Replies, and more.

Reuters news

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Updated last, Description, and more.

Reuters news - Reuters news article dataset discover new records by keyword search in website, include option to filter by Section,Date Range and sort option like in link https://www.reuters.com/site-search/?query=football

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Updated last, Description, and more.

Reuters news - Discovery article by the publishing date and time

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Updated last, Description, and more.


URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Target - Gather data on products using specified keywords

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Myntra products

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Ratings count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Myntra products - Collect products by category URL

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Ratings count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Myntra products - Collect products by keyword

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Ratings count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Myntra products - Collect products by brand URL

URL, Product id, Title, Product description, Rating, Ratings count, Initial price, Discount, and more.

Zoopla properties listing information

URL, Property type, Property title, Address, Google map location, Virtual tour, Street view, URL property, and more.

Zoopla properties listing information - Discover by custom filters - location and property type

URL, Property type, Property title, Address, Google map location, Virtual tour, Street view, URL property, and more.

BBC news

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Content, Videos, and more.

BBC news - Discover BBC articles by keyword

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Content, Videos, and more.

Owler companies information

CompanyID, Ownership, IndustrySectors, Revenue, Founded, CompanyName, Country, EmployeeCount, and more.

Ozon.ru products

URL, Sku, Breadcrumbs, Name, Rating, Review count, Description, Image, and more.

Reddit - Comments

URL, Comment id, User posted, Comment, Date posted, Post url, Post id, Community name, and more.

Pinterest - Posts

URL, Post id, Title, Content, Date posted, User name, User url, User id, and more.

Pinterest - Posts - Collects posts by specific keywords

URL, Post id, Title, Content, Date posted, User name, User url, User id, and more.

Pinterest - Posts - Discover posts by using specific profile url

URL, Post id, Title, Content, Date posted, User name, User url, User id, and more.

US lawyers directory

URL, Address, Admission, Areas of practice, Isln, Law school attended, Location, Name, and more.

US lawyers directory - Search on the website by attorney name, practice area, school, articles, or location

URL, Address, Admission, Areas of practice, Isln, Law school attended, Location, Name, and more.

Webmotors Brasil - Cars Listings

ID SELLER, ID, URL, Tipo, Marca, Modelo, Ano, Variante, and more.

Webmotors Brasil - Cars Listings - Discover new records by category URL

ID SELLER, ID, URL, Tipo, Marca, Modelo, Ano, Variante, and more.

H&M - Products

Category tree, Color, Country code, County of origin, Currency, Delivery, Description, Domain, and more.

H&M - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Category tree, Color, Country code, County of origin, Currency, Delivery, Description, Domain, and more.

Youtube - Comments

Comment id, Comment text, Likes, Replies, Username, Username md5, User channel, Date, and more.

Wikipedia articles

URL, Title, Table of contents, Raw text, Cataloged text, Images, See also, References, and more.

Facebook Company Reviews

Company name, Company id, Company url, URL, Review time, Recommends, Review content, Review attachments, and more.


URL, Domain, Marketplace pn, Sku, Other pn, Model number, Gtin ean pn, Product name, and more.

Lowes.com - Gather data on products using specified keywords

URL, Domain, Marketplace pn, Sku, Other pn, Model number, Gtin ean pn, Product name, and more.

CNN news

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Updated last, Content, and more.

CNN news - Discover CNN articles by search URL

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Updated last, Content, and more.

CNN news - Discovery article by the publishing date and time

ID, URL, Author, Headline, Topics, Publication date, Updated last, Content, and more.

Tokopedia Products

Product id, Title, URL, Currency, Delivery, Final price, Initial price, Seller name, and more.

Tokopedia Products - Search products by keyword

Product id, Title, URL, Currency, Delivery, Final price, Initial price, Seller name, and more.

Tokopedia Products - Collect URLs of products by category URLs

Product id, Title, URL, Currency, Delivery, Final price, Initial price, Seller name, and more.

Tokopedia Products - Collect Tokopedia's products by seller URL

Product id, Title, URL, Currency, Delivery, Final price, Initial price, Seller name, and more.

Digikey - Products

Product url, Category url, Part number, Description, Manufacturer, Manufacturer url, Datasheet url, Rohs compliant, and more.

Digikey - Products - Discover by category url

Product url, Category url, Part number, Description, Manufacturer, Manufacturer url, Datasheet url, Rohs compliant, and more.

Xing social network

Account id, FamilyName, Gender, Membership, Country code, Experience, Education, Languages, and more.

Mouser - Products

Product url, Category url, Mouser part num, Mfr part number, Manufacturer, Image, Image high, Manufacturer url, and more.

Mouser - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product url, Category url, Mouser part num, Mfr part number, Manufacturer, Image, Image high, Manufacturer url, and more.

Wildberries.ru products

URL, Sku, Breadcrumbs, Name, Rating, Review count, Image, Brand, and more.

Facebook - Reels by profile URL

URL, Post id, User url, User username raw, Content, Date posted, Hashtags, Num comments, and more.

Zalando products

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Zalando products - Discover products by domain

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Zalando products - Discover records by search keyword

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Zalando products - Discover products by category URL

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Zalando products - Collect products by brand URL

Domain, Country code, URL, Sku, Condition, Gender, Product name, Brand, and more.

Asos - Products

URL, Name, Brand, Description, About me, Availability, Buy the look, Category, and more.

Asos - Products - Collect products by category URL

URL, Name, Brand, Description, About me, Availability, Buy the look, Category, and more.

Asos - Products - Collect products by keyword

URL, Name, Brand, Description, About me, Availability, Buy the look, Category, and more.

Asos - Products - Collect products by brand URL

URL, Name, Brand, Description, About me, Availability, Buy the look, Category, and more.

Apple App Store

URL, Title, Sub title, Developer, Top charts, Monetization features, Image, Screenshots, and more.

OLX Brazil - marketplace ads

Body, Subject, Currency, PriceValue, ProfessionalAnnouncement, Category, ParentCategoryName, CategoryName, and more.

Realtor international properties listings

URL, ID, Title, Price, Currency, Description, Images, Bedrooms, and more.

Lego - Products

Product name, Category, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Lego - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Category, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Pinterest - Profiles

URL, Profile picture, Name, Nickname, Website, Bio, Following count, Follower count, and more.

Pinterest - Profiles - Discover profiles by Keyword in profile name and profile posts

URL, Profile picture, Name, Nickname, Website, Bio, Following count, Follower count, and more.

Facebook Events

Event id, URL, Main image, Event date, Title, People responded, Event by, Location, and more.

Facebook Events - discover Facebook events search URL

Event id, URL, Main image, Event date, Title, People responded, Event by, Location, and more.

Facebook Events - Discover events by venue URL

Event id, URL, Main image, Event date, Title, People responded, Event by, Location, and more.

Chanel Products

Product name, Product description, Country, Currency, Color, Variations, Free sample, Image slider, and more.

Chanel Products - Discover new products in Chanel by category URL

Product name, Product description, Country, Currency, Color, Variations, Free sample, Image slider, and more.

Wayfair products

URL, Product id, Title, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, Final price, and more.

Wayfair products - Gather data on products using specified keywords

URL, Product id, Title, Rating, Reviews count, Initial price, Discount, Final price, and more.

Lazada - Reviews

URL, Title, Rating, Reviews, Seller name, Sku, Mpn, Is super seller, and more.

Bluesky - Posts

URL, Post id, Post date, Posted by, Post text, Comments, Reposts, Likes, and more.

Bluesky - Posts - Collect posts from profile URL

URL, Post id, Post date, Posted by, Post text, Comments, Reposts, Likes, and more.

Google Shopping products search US

URL, Product id, Title, Final price, Initial price, Currency, Rating, Reviews count, and more.

Nordstrom products

URL, Domain, Country code, Marketplace pn, Other pn, Upc, Model number, Gtin ean pn, and more.

Dior - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Dior - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Pitchbook People Profiles

URL, ID, Name, Biography, Primary position, Commpany, Company url, Education, and more.

AE.com - Complete Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

AE.com - Complete Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Quora posts

URL, Post id, Author name, Title, Post date, Originally answered, Over all answers, Post text, and more.

Trustradius product reviews

URL, Product id, Product name, Review id, Review url, Review title, Review rating, Review date, and more.

VentureRadar company information

URL, Location, Name, Country code, Ownership, Score, Auto analyst score, Website popularity, and more.

Twitch - streams dataset

URL, Stream id, Streamer name, Verified partner, Stream title, Tags, Viewers number, Stream time, and more.

Twitch - streams dataset - Discover stream by a search term

URL, Stream id, Streamer name, Verified partner, Stream title, Tags, Viewers number, Stream time, and more.

Twitch - streams dataset - Discover stream by category url

URL, Stream id, Streamer name, Verified partner, Stream title, Tags, Viewers number, Stream time, and more.

Crawl API

Markdown, URL, Html2text, Page html, and more.

Crawl API - Map all links from a given domain, collecting internal and external URLs for seamless analysis, auditing, or integration into your workflows.

Markdown, URL, Html2text, Page html, and more.

Hermes- Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Hermes- Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Home Depot CA

Domain, Country code, URL, Model number, Sku, Product name, Manufacturer, Description, and more.

Home Depot CA - Gather data on products using specified keywords

Domain, Country code, URL, Model number, Sku, Product name, Manufacturer, Description, and more.

Vimeo - Videos posts

Video id, Title, URL, Uploader, Video url, Video length, Views, Likes, and more.

Vimeo - Videos posts - focus on licensed videos with "common creative" license

Video id, Title, URL, Uploader, Video url, Video length, Views, Likes, and more.

Vimeo - Videos posts - scrape videos by URL

Video id, Title, URL, Uploader, Video url, Video length, Views, Likes, and more.

Chileautos Chile - Cars Listings

URL, Marca, Modelo, Ano, Variante, Kilometraje, Condicion, Combustible, and more.

Inmuebles24 Mexico - Properties Listings

URL, Title, GeneratedTitle, Description, Seller, Precio, Publicado hace, CreatedDate, and more.

Toysrus - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Reviews count, and more.

Toysrus - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Reviews count, and more.

Ashleyfurniture - Products

Product name, Brand, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, Color, and more.

Ashleyfurniture - Products - sitemap

Product name, Brand, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, Color, and more.

Ashleyfurniture - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Brand, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, Color, and more.

Yapo Chile - marketplace ads

Title, Description, Seller name, Root category id, Root category name, Parent category id, Parent category name, Active, and more.

Metrocuadrado - Properties Listings

URL, ID, Precio, Habitaciones, Banos, Dimension propiedad, Dimension terreno, Comuna Ciudad, and more.

Balenciaga.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Balenciaga.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Lazada products search (GMV)

URL, Name, Price, Currency, Number sold, Sku, Image url, Rating, and more.

Zonaprop Argentina - Properties Listing

URL, Title, GeneratedTitle, Imagenes, Numero de imagenes, Description, Precio, Currency, and more.

Zonaprop Argentina - Properties Listing - Discover products by domain

URL, Title, GeneratedTitle, Imagenes, Numero de imagenes, Description, Precio, Currency, and more.

Toctoc - Properties Listings

Imagen, No de imagenes, Descripcion, Precio, Currency, Ubicacion, Habitaciones, Banos, and more.

Mediamarkt.de products

Brand, Description, Manufacturer, Ean, Sku, Initial price, Final price, In stock, and more.

Mango Products

Product name, Price, Image, Size, Product article, Availability, Description, Colour code, and more.

Google Play Store reviews

URL, Review id, Reviewer name, Review date, Review rating, Review, Found helpful, App url, and more.

Ysl.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Fendi Products

Product id, URL, Product name, Product description, Short description, Image, Price, Currency, and more.

Fendi Products - Discover products by category URL

Product id, URL, Product name, Product description, Short description, Image, Price, Currency, and more.

Apple App Store reviews

URL, Review id, Review title, Review rating, Reviewer name, Review date, Review, Developer response, and more.

Carters.com - Products

Product name, Description, In stock, Availability, Color, Size, Reviews count, Category url, and more.

Carters.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, In stock, Availability, Color, Size, Reviews count, Category url, and more.

Walmart - products zipcodes

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Walmart - products zipcodes - Collect data by category URL

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Walmart - products zipcodes - Collect data by Keyword

URL, Final price, Sku, Currency, Gtin, Specifications, Image urls, Top reviews, and more.

Zara Home Products

Category id, Category key, Category name, Product id, Product name, Price, Price discount, Price with fillings, and more.

Infocasas Uruguay - Properties Listings

URL, ID, Imagen, Descripcion, Precio, Ubicacion, Habitaciones, Banos, and more.

Bottegaveneta.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Bottegaveneta.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Prada.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Prada.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Fanatics.com - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, and more.

Fanatics.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, and more.

Massimo Dutti - Products

URL, Title, Price, Product type, Family name, Subfamily name, Images, Size, and more.

Massimo Dutti - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

URL, Title, Price, Product type, Family name, Subfamily name, Images, Size, and more.

Sleepnumber.com - Products

Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, Size, Reviews count, and more.

Sleepnumber.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, Size, Reviews count, and more.

Properati Argentina and Colombia - Properties Listings

Type, Name, Estrato, Habitaciones, Banos, M2, Descripcion, Precio, and more.

Loewe.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Loewe.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Berluti.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Berluti.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Moynat.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Delvaux - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Delvaux - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Crateandbarrel - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Crateandbarrel - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Availability, and more.

Celine.com - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Celine.com - Products - Discover new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

llbean.com - Products

IDentity, Product name, URL, Description, Category tree, Color, Country code, County of origin, and more.

llbean.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

IDentity, Product name, URL, Description, Category tree, Color, Country code, County of origin, and more.

Montblanc - Products

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

Montblanc - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Country, Currency, In stock, Size, Color, Main image, and more.

ChatGPT Search

URL, Prompt, Answer html, Answer text, Links attached, Citations, Recommendations, Country, and more.

Raymourflanigan.com - Products

Product name, Seller name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, and more.

La-z-boy.com - Products

Product name, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Size, Reviews count, and more.

La-z-boy.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Size, Reviews count, and more.

Mattressfirm - Products

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, and more.

Mattressfirm - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Brand, Description, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Color, and more.

Mybobs.com - Products

Product name, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Main image, Category tree, Country code, and more.

Mybobs.com - Products - Discovery new products by category URL

Product name, Initial price, Final price, Currency, In stock, Main image, Category tree, Country code, and more.

Perplexity Search

URL, Prompt, Answer html, Answer text, Sources, Country, and more.

TikTok - Posts by URL Fast API

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.

TikTok - Posts by Search URL Fast API

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.

TikTok - Posts by Profile Fast API

URL, Post id, Description, Create time, Digg count, Share count, Collect count, Comment count, and more.


Web–s Abonnementpläne für Scraper-API

pay as you go plan icon
$1.5 /1K RECORDS
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Bezahlen nach Nutzung, ohne monatliche Verpflichtung
25% OFF
2nd plan icon
$0.95 /1K RECORDS
$499 Monatliche Abrechnung
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Use this coupon code: APIS25

Maßgeschneidert für Teams, die ihre Operationen skalieren möchten
25% OFF
3rd plan icon
$0.84 /1K RECORDS
$999 Monatliche Abrechnung
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Use this coupon code: APIS25

Für große Teams mit umfangreichen betrieblichen Anforderungen konzipiert
25% OFF
4th plan icon
$0.79 /1K RECORDS
$1999 Monatliche Abrechnung
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Use this coupon code: APIS25

Erweiterter Support und Funktionen für kritische Operationen
Für Branchenführer: erstklassige Datendienste für erstklassige Geschäftsanforderungen.
Kontaktieren Sie uns
  • Account-Manager
  • Individuelle Pakete
  • Premium - SLA
  • Vorrangiger Support
  • Maßgeschneiderte Einführung
  • SSO
  • Anpassungen
  • Audit-Protokolle
Wir akzeptieren diese Zahlungsmethoden:

Einfach zu starten. Einfacher zu skalieren.

Unübertroffene Stabilität

Sichern Sie eine anhaltende Leistung und verringern Sie Ausfälle, indem Sie sich auf die weltweit führende Proxy-Infrastruktur stützen.

Vereinfachtes Web-Scraping

Schalten Sie Ihr Scraping mithilfe produktionsreifer APIs auf Autopilot, sparen Sie Ressourcen und senken Sie den Wartungsaufwand.

Unbegrenzte Skalierbarkeit

Skalieren Sie Ihre Scraping-Projekte bei optimaler Leistung spielend leicht, um den Datenanforderungen zu entsprechen.


Machen Sie sich nie wieder Gedanken über Proxys und CAPTCHAs

  • Automatische IP-Rotation
  • CAPTCHA-Auflöser
  • User-Agent-Rotation
  • Benutzerdefinierte Header
  • Javascript-Rendering 
  • Residential Proxys

Auf Ihren Arbeitsablauf zugeschnitten

Empfangen Sie strukturierte LinkedIn-Daten in JSON-, NDJSON- oder CSV-Dateien über Webhook- oder API-Bereitstellung.


Integrierte Infrastruktur und Freigabe

Erhalten Sie ein Höchstmaß an Kontrolle und Flexibilität, ohne dass Sie eine Proxy- und Freigabe-Infrastruktur benötigen. Scrapen Sie problemlos Daten von jedem beliebigen Standort aus und vermeiden Sie CAPTCHAs und Blockierungen.


Einsatzerprobte Infrastruktur

Die Plattform von Bright Data wird von mehr als 20.000 Unternehmen weltweit genutzt und gewährleistet mit einer Verfügbarkeit von 99,99 % sowie dem Zugriff auf mehr als 72 Mio. echte Benutzer-IPs in 195 Ländern absolute Sicherheit.


Branchenführende Konformität

Unsere Datenschutzpraktiken entsprechen den Datenschutzgesetzen, einschließlich der EU-Datenschutzverordnung, der DSGVO und der CCPA, wobei Anfragen zur Ausübung von Datenschutzrechten und mehr berücksichtigt werden.

Häufig gestellte Fragen zur Web-Scraper-API

Scraper API ist ein Cloud-basierter Dienst, der die Extraktion von Webdaten vereinfacht und eine automatisierte Verwaltung der IP-Rotation, die Auflösung von CAPTCHAs und das Parsing von Daten in strukturierte Formate bietet. Der Dienst ermöglicht eine effiziente, skalierbare Datenerfassung, die besonders auf Unternehmen ausgerichtet ist, die einen nahtlosen Zugriff auf wertvolle Webdaten benötigen.

Datenanalysten, Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Entwickler, die nach effizienten Methoden zur Erfassung und Analyse von Webdaten für KI, ML, Big Data-Anwendungen und mehr suchen, werden Scraper-APIs zu schätzen wissen.

Mit Scraper-APIs lassen sich die Beschränkungen des manuellen Web-Scrapings umgehen, wie z. B. Änderungen der Website-Struktur, Blockierungen und Captchas sowie die mit der Wartung der Infrastruktur verbundenen erheblichen Kosten. Es handelt sich um eine automatisierte, skalierbare und zuverlässige Lösung zur Datenextraktion, mit der Betriebskosten und Zeitaufwand erheblich reduziert werden.

Die Einzigartigkeit von Scraper-APIs beruht auf ihren speziellen Funktionen wie Verarbeitung von Massenanfragen, Datenerkennung und automatisierte Validierung, ergänzt durch fortschrittliche Technologien wie Residential Proxys und JavaScript-Rendering. Diese Funktionen gewährleisten einen umfassenden Zugriff, eine hohe Datenintegrität und eine verbesserte Gesamtleistung, weshalb sich Scraper-APIs von der Konkurrenz abheben.

Der Einstieg in die Scraper-APIs ist unkompliziert über das Bedienfeld von Bright Data, das eine umfassende Dokumentation und ein benutzerfreundliches Dashboard für die Verwaltung von API-Schlüsseln und -Einstellungen bietet. Auf diese Weise werden die Einrichtungsanforderungen auf ein Mindestmaß reduziert und Sie erhalten sofortigen Zugriff auf eine höchst skalierbare und zuverlässige Plattform zur Extraktion von Webdaten.

Scraper-APIs unterstützen eine Reihe von Entwicklungsanforderungen, darunter Wettbewerbs-Benchmarking, Markttrendanalysen, dynamische Preisgestaltungsalgorithmen, Sentiment-Extraktion und Einspeisung von Daten in Pipelines für maschinelles Lernen. Diese APIs sind für E-Commerce, Fintech und Social Media-Analysen unerlässlich und ermöglichen es Entwicklern, datengesteuerte Strategien effektiv umzusetzen.

Die Scraper-APIs verfügen über Funktionen für hohe Parallelität bzw. Stapelverarbeitung und eignen sich hervorragend für umfassende Datenextraktionen. Entwickler können so ihre Scraping-Operationen problemlos skalieren und große Mengen von Anfragen mit hohem Durchsatz verarbeiten.

Scraper-APIs liefern die extrahierten Daten in verschiedenen Formaten, darunter NDJSON und CSV, die eine reibungslose Integration in eine Vielzahl von Analysetools und Datenverarbeitungs-Workflows sicherstellen und somit eine einfache Übernahme in Entwicklerumgebungen ermöglichen.